Dawn Bates
Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., University of Washington
Dawn Bates joined the ASU English faculty in linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in the fall of 1989. ASU was her first permanent faculty position; she had taught for two years in the department of linguistics at the University of Victoria, in Victoria, British Columbia after receiving her Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Washington, in Seattle, in 1988. Bates teaches undergraduate courses in English linguistics, grammar, usage, pronunciation, and etymology (history of words). She has a large collection of usage handbooks and she delights in pointing out grammar points on which various experts disagree. “Style in language is much like style in fashion: It’s good to notice the popular patterns, and it is also good break the rules in expressing one’s individuality.”
Several of ASU’s graduate programs involve linguistics, and Bates is active in the English Department’s Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, as well as the MA and PhD in English with concentration in linguistics. Students from the College of Education and the School of International Letters and Cultures take her classes, as do students in the Interdisciplinary PhD in Applied Linguistics. As chair of the Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics, Bates helps to coordinate ASU’s various graduate programs related to linguistics. The Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics is located in the Department of English and its members hail from many departments, from Speech and Hearing Science to Curriculum and Instruction.
During her training in theoretical linguistics at the University of Washington in Seattle, Bates developed an interest in the Native languages of the Pacific Northwest. She collaborated with, and learned a great deal from, native speakers of languages from the Salish (pronounced SAIL-ish) language family. At the time of Anglo European contact, there were 22 Salish languages, spoken by diverse tribes occupying a territory that included what is now Washington State, northern Oregon, Southern British Columbia, northern Idaho, and western Montana. All of these languages, and their diverse traditional cultures, have suffered greatly from the encroachment of English speakers into this territory. Several of the documented Salish languages now lack any speakers to carry on their traditions; several others, however, have been the subject of heroic preservation efforts by Native communities.
In 1994, Bates edited a bilingual dictionary of Lushootseed (pronounced luh-SHOOT-seed) Salish, compiled in collaboration with native speaker Violet taqwsblu (pronounced TALK-sh-blue) Hilbert, an elder of the Upper Skagit (rhymes with gadget) tribe, just north of Seattle, and professor Thom Hess of the University of Victoria. The dictionary is used by several tribal programs that work to preserve Lushootseed language and culture. These preservation efforts include community-based Lushootseed schools and programs to encourage Native heritage storytelling, both in the language and in English translation.
- Bates, Dawn. Code-switching in Martha Lamont's "Little Diver Was the Wife of Heron.". (2005).
- Bates, Dawn Elizabeth (Author) ,Hess, Thomas M (Author) . Lushootseed Applicatives and Their Ilk. Studies in Salish Linguistics in Honor of M. Dale Kinkade (2004).
- Dawn Bates, Thom Hess. Tense or aspect? A prefix of future time in Lushootseed. (2001).
- Bates, Dawn. Assessing and Teaching Lushootseed Pronunciation. week-long workshop for Tulalip Tribes Cultural Resources Lushootseed Language Program (Sep 2006).
- Bates, Dawn. Code-switching in Martha Lamont's "Little Diver Was the Wife of Heron.". International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages (Aug 2005).
- Lonsdale, Deryle, Bates, Dawn. Deploying Lushootseed Lexical Resources. Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America (Apr 2005).
- Bates, Dawn. The Expression of NPs in Lushootseed Texts. International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages (Aug 2004).
- Administrative Committee, Member (2006 - 2009)
- Budget and Personnel Committee, Member (2006 - 2009)
- Linguistics/TESL area committee, Member (1989 - 2009)
- Linguistics/TESL coordinated master's defenses, Coordinator (2005 - 2008)
- Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Sciences Committee, Member (1994 - 2008)
- Search Committee, Assistant Prof Semantics/Native Am, Member (2006 - 2008)
- International Teaching Assistant English Certification Review Panel, Member (2005 - 2007)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics, Chair (2006 - 2007)
- Graduate Linguistics/TESL Symposium Organizing Committee, Faculty advisor (2003 - 2007)
- Linguistics/TESL area cmte admissions subcommittee, Member (1998 - 2007)
- Carlie Fellowship Review Committee, Member (2006 - 2006)
- Graduate Scholars of English Association Workshop "Issues in Linguistics", Workshop co-facilitaor (2006 - 2006)
- International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages, Conference session chair (2006 - 2006)
- Department of English, Arbitrator (2005 - 2006)
- MA English Linguistics Admissions Subcommittee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- CLAS Dean's Strategic Planning and Academic Resources Advisory Council, Member (2003 - 2006)
- Ubiquity: ASU Staff and Faculty Supporting Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues, Member (1993 - 2006)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics, Member (1989 - 2006)
- Graduate Scholars of English Association Workshop Issues in Linguistics, Workshop co-facilitaor (2005 - 2005)
- Department of English Office Manager Search Committee, Member (2005 - 2005)
- Department of Languages and Literatures Sabbatical Proposal Review, Reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- Journal of Phonology Associate Editorial Board, Member (2000 - 2005)
- Phonology, Associate Editorial Board (2000 - 2005)
- MTESL Admissions Subcommittee, Member (2004 - 2005)
- Applied Linguistics search 2005-5, Chair (2004 - 2005)
- Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Grant reviewer (1998 - 2005)
- Department of English Sabbatical Proposal Review, Reviewer (2004 - 2004)
- Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Review manuscript (2002 - 2004)
- Bilingual Symposium 4 Local Arrangements Committee, Member (2004 - 2004)
- Breath of Life: Pacific Northwest Native Languages Archives Workshop, University of Washington, Volunteer docent (2003)
- Organizing 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Committee member (2003)
- Tulalip Tribes Cultural Resources Department: Lushootseed Language Program, Workshop provider (2003)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics Colloquium Series Subcommittee, Chair (2002 - 2003)
- MA English Linguistics Admissions Subcommittee, Chair (2000 - 2003)
- Over the Rainbow: Building an Inclusive Movement: A Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer studies conference, Panel on Retention and Recruitment, Panel member (2003 - 2003)
- Department of English, Arizona State University, Associate Chair (2000 - 2002)
- Department of English, Associate chair (2000 - 2002)
- Department of English Administrative Committee, Member (2000 - 2002)
- Department of English Affirmative Action Committee, Chair (2000 - 2002)
- Department of English Graduate Committee, Member (2000 - 2002)
- Department of English Personnel Co, Member (2000 - 2002)
- Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Grant proposal reviewer (2002 - 2002)
- Campus Environment Team, Chair (2000 - 2002)
- Department of English Computing and Web Committee, Member (2000 - 2002)
- Department of English, Parliamentarian (1997 - 2002)
- Preparing Future Faculty Mentor Program, Member (2000 - 2001)
- Languages and Literatures Chair Search Committee, Member (2001 - 2001)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics ASU Research Reports Colloquium Series Subcommittee, Chair (2000 - 2001)
- Academic Senate, Secretary (1998 - 2000)
- Academic Senate Executive Committee, Member (1998 - 2000)
- Governance Grievance Committee, Member (1997 - 2000)
- Commencement Committee, Member (1994 - 2000)