Marilyn Carlson is currently researching the teaching and learning of precalculus level mathematics. Her current funded project is developing and studying a model for supporting PhD students in mathematics and mathematics education to assume leadership roles in adapting undergraduate courses in mathematics. She is working to identify key variables that contribute to faculty acquiring knowledge of how students develop fundamental reasoning abilities and understandings. She is also studying the process by which teachers shift from teacher centered instruction to focus on students’ thinking; she is attempting to identify variables that contribute to teachers’ leveraging student thinking and formative knowledge of their students’ learning during instruction. Carlson is concurrently continuing to investigate curriculum interventions designed to support students in conceptualizing and representing covarying quantities.
Ph.D. University of Kansas 1995
Tallman, Michael A., Carlson, Marilyn P., Bressoud, David J.; Pearson, Michael. A characterization of calculus I final exams in U.S. colleges and universities. International Journal for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics (2015).
Carlson, Marilyn P., Moore, Kevin. The Role of Covariational Reasoning in Understanding and Using the Function Concept. Lessons Learned From Research (2015).
Carlson, Marilyn; Musgrave, Stacy. Understanding and Advancing Undergraduate Mathematics Instructors’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Didactics of Mathematics in Higher Education as a Scientific Discipline, Hannover, Germany (2015).
Carlson, M.P., O'Bryan, A., Tallman, M. Pathways Algebra I. (2014).
Carlson, M. P., O'Bryan, A.,. Online Student and Instructor Materials for Pathways Precalculus. (2014).
Bressoud, David M.; Carlson, Marilyn P.; Mesa, Vilma; Rasmussen, Chris. The Calculus Student: Insights from the National MAA Study. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (2013).
Carlson, Marilyn P.; Oehrtman, Michael; Moore, Kevin. Precalculus: Pathways to Calculus: A Problem Solving Approach, 4th edition. (2013).
Carlson, Marilyn P.; Oehrtman, Michael; Moore, Kevin. Precalculus: Pathways to Calculus: A Problem Solving Approach, 5th edition. (2013).
Carlson, Marilyn P; O'Bryan, Alan; Joyner, Kacie. Pathways Algebra II. (2013).
Schliemann, analucia Dias; Carraher, David William; Carlson, Marilyn; Brizuela, Barbara. Functions from Kindergarten to Calculus. 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (2013).
Moore, K. C., & Carlson, M. P. Students’ images of problem contexts when solving applied problems. , 31(1), 48-59. Journal of Mathematical Behavior (2012).
Carlson, Marilyn P.; Oehrtman, Michael. Precalculus: Pathways to Calculus: A Problem Solving Approach. (2012).
Carlson, M. P., Moore, K. C., Teuscher, D., Slemmer, G., Underwood, K., & Tallman, M. Affecting and Documenting Shifts in Secondary Precalculus Teachers’ Instructional Effectiveness and Students’ Learning. Proceedings of the 2012 Math and Science (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC). Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation (2012).
Underwood, K. & Carlson, M. P. Understanding how precalculus teachers develop mathematic knowledge for teaching the idea of rate of change. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Portland, OR (2012).
Marilyn Carlson, Michael Oehrtman, Nicole Engelke. The precalculus concept assessment (PCA) instrument: A tool for assessing reasoning patterns, understandings and knowledge of precalculus level students. Cognition and Instruction (2010).
Carlson, Marilyn P.; Oehrtman, Michael. Precalculus: Pathways to Calculus: A Problem Solving Approach. (2010).
Carlson, M., Oehrtman, M., & Teuscher, D. Transforming the professional development culture and quality of mathematics and science instruction within a secondary school. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC). Washington, D.C, web publication (2010).
Dawn Teuscher, Kevin Moore, Marilyn Carlson. Interaction Between Teacher’s Questions and Student Discourse. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference, Washington D.C., web publication (2010).
Oehrtman, M., Carlson, M., Martin, J., & Sutor, J. Coherence and change in teacher professional learning communities. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC). Washington, D.C, web publication (2010).
Weber, E., & Carlson, M. P. The role of precalculus students' quantitative and covariational reasoning in solving novel mathematics problems. 32nd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Columbus, OH (2010).
Oehrtman, M., Carlson, M. & Vasquez, J.A. Attributes of Content-focused Professional Learning Communities That Lead to Meaningful Reflection and Collaboration Among Math and Science Teachers. Professional Learning Communities for Science Teaching: Lessons from Research and Practice (2009).
McClain, K., Carlson, M., Coe, E., & Saldanha, L. The emergence of norms for mathematical argumentation: Contributing to a framework for action. Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (2009).
Moore, K., Carlson, M., & Oehrtman, M. The Role of Quantitative Reasoning in Solving Applied Precalculus Problems. Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (2009).
Oehrtman, M., Carlson, M., Sutor, J., Agoune, L. & Stroud, C. Meaningful collaboration in secondary mathematics and science teacher professional learning communities. Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, (2009).
Phil Clark, Kevin Moore, & Marilyn Carlson. Documenting the emergence of "speaking with meaning" as a sociomathematical norm in professional learning community discourse. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior (2008).
Carlson, Marilyn P & Rasmussen, Chris. Making the Connection: Research to Practice in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. (2008).
Marilyn Carlson, Irene Bloom, and Peggy Glick. Promoting effective mathematical practices in students: Insights from problem solving research. Making the Connection: Research and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (2008).
Michael Oehrtman, Marilyn Carlson, Patrick Thompson. Foundational reasoning abilities that promote coherence in students’ function understanding. Making the connection: Research and teaching in undergraduate mathematics education (2008).
. Making the connection: Research and teaching in undergraduate mathematics education. (2008).
Patrick Thompson, Marilyn Carlson, J Silverman. The design of tasks in support of teachers' development of coherent mathematical meanings. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (2007).
Thompson, P, Carlson, Marilyn, Bloom, I, Lima, S, Miller, C, Rodel, J, Castillo-Garsow, C, Gage, A. Affecting Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Instructional Practices by Affecting their Mathematical Knowledge. (2007).
Krause, Stephen, Burrows, V, Pizziconi, V, Carlson, Marilyn, Culbertson, R. Project Pathways: Connecting Engineering Design to High School Science and Mathematics in a Mathematics Science Partnership Program. (2006).
Marilyn Carlson, Irene Bloom. The Cyclic Nature of Problem Solving: An Emergent Multidimensional Problem Solving Framework. Educational Studies in Mathematics (2005).
Marilyn Carlson, M Oehrtman. Key Aspects of Knowing and Learning the Concept of Function. Research Sampler Series (2005).
Carlson, Marilyn, Oehrtman, M, Engelke, N. Composition of functions: Precalculus student's understandings. (2005).
Marilyn Carlson, Irene Bloom. A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Describing and Analyzing Problem Solving Behavior. Educational Studies in Mathematics (2004).
Marilyn Carlson, N Smith, J Persson. Developing and Connecting Calculus Students' Notions of Rate-of-Change and Accumulation: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Psychology of Mathematics Education (2003).
Marilyn Carlson, S Jacobs, E Coe, S Larsen, E Hsu. Razonamiento covariacional aplicado a la modelación de eventos dinámicos: un marco conceptual y un estudio. Revista EMA Investigación e Innovación en educación matemática (2003).
. Modeling Dynamic Events: A Study in Applying Covariational Reasoning Among High Performing University Students. Beyond Constructivism in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Models & Modeling Perspective (2003).
Carlson, Marilyn P (Author) ,Larsen, S (Author) ,Lesh, R (Author) . Modeling Dynamic Events: A Study in Applying Covariational Reasoning Among High Performing University Students. Beyond Constructivism in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Models & Modeling Perspective (2003).
Carlson, Marilyn P (Author) ,Zandieh, M (Author) ,Bloom, I (Author) ,Sawada, D (Author) . The Evolution of an Interdisciplinary Collaborative for Preservice Teacher Reform: Research Informs Practice. Collaboration in Teacher Education (2003).
Carlson, Marilyn P (Author) ,Zandieh, M (Author) ,Bloom, I (Author) ,Sawada, D (Author) . The evolution of collaborative practice within the mathematics cluster. Reformed teacher education in science and mathematics (2003).
A Lawson, J Turley, S Wyckoff, R Benford, I Bloom, Marilyn Carlson, K Falconer, D Hestenes, E Judson, M Piburn, D Sawada. Evaluating College Science and Mathematics Instruction: A Reformed Effort that Improves Teaching Skills. Journal of College Science Teaching (2002).
D Hughes-Hallet, Marilyn Carlson. Learning and understanding- Improving advanced study of mathematics and science in U.S. high schools: Report of the Content Panel for Mathematics. National Research Council Rep (2002).
Carlson, Marilyn P (Author) . Connecting research to practice at the undergraduate level: A personal journey. Special Issue of the Mathematicians and Education Reform Forum (2002).
Carlson, Marilyn P (Author) . Representations and Mathematics Visualization. Physical Enactment: A Powerful Representational Tool for Understanding the Nature of Covarying Relationships (2002).
Lawson, A, Benford, R, Bloom, I, Carlson, Marilyn, Falconer, K, Hestenes, D, Judson, E, Piburn, M, Sawada, D, Turley, J, Wyckoff, S. Evaluating college science and mathematics instruction: A reform effort that improves teaching skills. (2002).
. Connecting Research to Practice at the Undergraduate Level: A Personal Journey. (2002).
Carlson, Marilyn, Jacobs, S, Larsen, E. An investigation of covariational reasoning and its role in learning the concepts of limit and accumulation. (2001).
Carlson, Marilyn. A study of the problem solving behaviors of mathematicians: Metacognition and mathematical intimacy in expert problem solvers. (2000).
Carlson, M. P. Developing Precalculus Level Students’ Mathematical Meanings and Practices: The Role of Curriculum, Teachers, and Instruction. International Conference. The International Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Conference (ISMTEC), Bangkok, Thailand (0).
Research Activity
Carlson,Marilyn P*, Boggess,Albert, Gardner,Carl L, Jackiewicz,Zdzislaw, Milner,Fabio Augusto, Roh,Kyeong Hah, Saldanha,Luis, Thompson,Patrick W, Van De Sande,Carla. Pathways to Preparing Future Mathematics Faculty to Transform Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching and Learning. NSF-EHR-DUE(9/1/2013 - 8/31/2018).
Carlson,Marilyn P*. Using Research to Shape Instruction and Placement in Algebra and Precalculus. MATHEMATICAL ASSOC OF AMERICA(10/1/2012 - 9/30/2014).
Carlson,Marilyn P*, Milner,Fabio Augusto. Pathways to Calculus: Disseminating and Scaling a Professional Development Model for Algebra Through Precalculus Teaching and Learning. NSF-EHR(9/1/2011 - 8/31/2015).
Thompson,Patrick W*, Carlson,Marilyn P. Project Aspire: Defining and Assessing Mathematical Knowledge For Teaching Secondary Mathematics. NSF-EHR-DUE(9/1/2011 - 8/31/2015).
Carlson,Marilyn P*. Characteristics of Successful College Calculus Proposals (CSPCC). MATHEMATICAL ASSOC OF AMERICA(10/1/2010 - 9/30/2012).
Culbertson,Robert John*, Bond-Robinson,Janet, Brown,Albert Frederick, Carlson,Marilyn P, Thompson,Patrick W. ASU Math & Science Teaching Fellows: Toward a World-Class Teacher Workforce for Arizona Schools. SFAz(7/1/2009 - 12/31/2010).
Carlson,Marilyn P*, Burrows,Veronica Ann, Culbertson,Robert John, Horan,John Joseph, Horan,John Joseph, Krause,Stephen, Lawson,Anton Eric, Middleton,James Arthur, Middleton,James Arthur, Oehrtman,Michael, Ramirez,Nora G, Semken,Steven, Thompson,Patrick W. Project Pathways: Opening Routes to Math and Science Success for all Students. NSF-EHR(7/1/2008 - 8/31/2012).
Thompson,Patrick W*, Carlson,Marilyn P, Kuang,Yang. Developing a Professional Learning Community Model for Secondary Precalculus Teachers: A Model for Teacher Professional Growth. NSF-EHR(7/1/2008 - 8/31/2010).
Thompson,Patrick W*, Carlson,Marilyn P, Hurlbert,Glenn Howland, Krause,Stephen, Middleton,James Arthur. SCISM-Summer Certification Institute in Secondary Mathematics. NSF-EHR(7/1/2008 - 9/30/2012).
Guston,David H*, Bennett,Ira Mccoy, Boradkar,Prasad, Boradkar,Prasad, Boradkar,Prasad, Carlson,Marilyn P, Conz,David B, Corley,Elizabeth, Corley,Kevin Gene, Fisher,Erik, Hackett,Edward John, Meldrum,Deirdre Ruth, Miller,Clark Anson, Monahan,Torin Michael, Nelson,Alan C, Poste,George Henry, Robert,Jason, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Schneider,Anne L, Selin,Cynthia Lea, Wetmore,Jameson Michael. NSEC: Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University. NSF-SBE(9/21/2007 - 3/31/2012).
Armbruster,Hans Dieter*, Carlson,Marilyn P, Joyner,Kacie Leigh, Strom,April Dawn, Ward,Lance Delbert. College Algebra Redesign: Infusing Conceptual Activities & Technology into the Classroom to Promote Student Learning. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(7/15/2007 - 6/30/2008).
Culbertson,Robert John*, Bond-Robinson,Janet, Brown,Albert Frederick, Carlson,Marilyn P, Thompson,Patrick W. ASU Math & Science Teaching Fellows: Toward a World-Class Teacher Workforce for Arizona Schools. SFAz(6/1/2007 - 5/31/2011).
Sloane,Finbarr*, Carlson,Marilyn P, Hurlbert,Glenn Howland, Krause,Stephen, Middleton,James Arthur. SCISM-Summer Certification Institute in Secondary Mathematics. NSF-EHR(10/1/2006 - 6/30/2008).
Guston,David H*, Boradkar,Prasad, Carlson,Marilyn P, Corley,Elizabeth, Corley,Elizabeth, Hackett,Edward John, Monahan,Torin Michael, Poste,George Henry, Robert,Jason, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Schneider,Anne L. NSEC: Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University. NSF-SBE(10/1/2005 - 3/31/2012).
Carlson,Marilyn P*, Burns,Hillary Dockser, Ramirez,Nora G, Thompson,Patrick W. Curriculum Development and Evaluation of the RSC-MSP. CNTY OF MARICOPA-SUPT OF SCHL(9/1/2004 - 8/31/2006).
Middleton,James Arthur*, Atkinson,Robert Kenneth, Baek,Jae Meen, Carlson,Marilyn P, Flores,Alfinio. A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF RATIONAL NUMBER KNOWLEDGE IN THE MIDDLE GRADES. NSF-EHR(7/1/2004 - 6/30/2008).
Thompson,Patrick W*, Banks,Debra L, Bloom,Irene, Burns,Hillary Dockser, Carlson,Marilyn P, Carlson,Marilyn P, Flores,Alfinio, Hurlbert,Glenn Howland, Kierstead,Henry Andrew, Kuang,Yang, Lohr,Sharon Lynn, Oehrtman,Michael, Ramirez,Nora G, Zandieh,Michelle Jeanette. Developing a Professional Learning Community Model for Secondary Precalculus Teachers: A Model for Teacher Professional Growth. NSF-EHR(5/1/2004 - 6/30/2008).
Carlson,Marilyn P*, Burns,Hillary Dockser, Krause,Stephen, Oehrtman,Michael, Roberts,Chell Andelin. Developing and Promoting Learner-Centered Instruction Through Science and Engineering Based Projects in Precalculus and Introductory Calculus. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(1/1/2004 - 7/31/2005).
Lawson,Anton Eric*, Baker,Dale Rose, Birk,James Peter, Carlson,Marilyn P, Cohen,Herbert George, Hestenes,David Orlin, Knaupp,Jonathan E, Mayer,James Walter, Piburn,Michael D, Reynolds,Stephen James, Staley,Frederick Allan, Wyckoff,Susan, Zandieh,Michelle Jeanette. EVALUATION FOR THE ARIZONA COLLABORATIVE FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE PREPARATION OF TEACHERS. NSF-EHR(9/1/2000 - 8/31/2004).
Evans,Donovan L*, Carlson,Marilyn P, Craft,Elizabeth Ann, Hestenes,David Orlin, Kawski,Matthias, Linder,Darwyn E, Mckelvy,Michael J, Rockwood,Alyn Paul, Spanias,Andreas Savva, Uttal,William R, Watson,George L. PLANNING GRANT FOR CENTER FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH IN LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES BASED AT ASU. NSF-CISE(10/1/1996 - 10/31/1997).
Carlson, Marilyn P. Foundational Ideas for Succeeding in Calculus. Invited Departmental Colloquium, Middle Tennessee State University. Departmental Colloquium (Oct 2013).
Schliemann, analucia Dias; Carraher, David William; Carlson, Marilyn; Brizuela, Barbara , Kiel, Germany. Functions from Kindergarten to Calculus. 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Jul 2013).
Carlson, Marilyn P. Developing Precalculus Level Students’ Mathematical Meanings and Practices: The Role of Curriculum, Teachers, and Instruction. International Conference. The International Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Conference (Jan 2013).
Carlson, M., Nicol, C. An Adaptive Model for Supporting Shifts in Secondary Precalculus Instruction and Student Learning. National Science Foundation Mathematics and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference (Jan 2013).
Carlson, Marilyn P. Key Ideas for Precalculus Mathematics: Foundational Ideas for Succeeding in Calculus. Invited Key Note speaker: Iowa (statewide). Statewide (Iowa) Conference on Conference on Improving Precalculus Level Teaching and Learning (Jun 2012).
Carlson, Marilyn P. Developing Precalculus Level Students’ Mathematical Meanings and Practices: The Role of Curriculum, Teachers and Instruction. Iowa (statewide) Conference on Improving Precalculus Level Teaching and Learning. Statewide (Iowa) Conference on Conference on Improving Precalculus Level Teaching and Learning (Jun 2012).
Carlson, Marilyn P. Developing Precalculus Students’ Mathematical Meanings and Practices: Leveraging Research to Transform Curriculum, Teachers, and Instruction. Invited colloquium. The University of Georgia. Athens Georgia (Mar 2012).
Carlson, Marilyn P. A characterization of calculus I final exams in U.S. colleges and universities. 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Portland, OR (Feb 2012).
Carlson, Marilyn P. Carlson, Marilyn P. (2012). Foundational Knowledge for Understanding Key Ideas of Beginning Calculus: The Role of Quantiative and Covariational Reasoning. Departmental Colloquia, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (Feb 2012).
Tallman, M., & Carlson, M. P. A characterization of calculus I final exams in U.S. colleges and universities. 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Portland, Oregon (Feb 2012).
Choike, J., Cowen, C., Ahlgren, A., Carlson, M., Madison, B. What can colleges and universities do to increase student success in calculus?. The College Board/MAA Panel Discussion. The National Joint Meeting of the MAA and AMS (Jan 2012).
Underwood, K., & Carlson, M. P. Understanding how precalculus teachers develop mathematical knowledge for teaching the idea of proporitonality. The 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Portla (Jan 2012).
Carlson, M.P. Scaling a Professional Development Model for Secondary Precalculus Teachers. Project Pathways Annual Conference. Project Pathways Annual Conference. Phoenix, Az (Oct 2011).
Moore, K. C., Teuscher, D., and Carlson, M. P. Exploring Shifts in a Teacher’s Key Developmental Understanding and Pedagogical Actions. Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychol (Oct 2011).
Carlson, Rasmussen, Bressoud, Pearson, Jacob & Weber E. Surveying mathematics departments to identify characteristics of successful programs in college calculus. Fourteenth Annual Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in U (Feb 2011).
Carlson, M. P., Slemmer, G., Moore, K., Teuscher, D., and Joyner, K. Key Variables for Establishing and Sustaining Highly Effective Professional Learning Communities. Math and Science (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC), Washington DC (Jan 2011).
Moore, K. C., Carlson, M. P., and Teuscher, D. Using Research-based Curriculum to Support Shifts in Teachers’ Key Pedagogical Understandings. 2011 Math and Science (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC). Washington, D (Jan 2011).
Teuscher, D., Moore, K. C., and Carlson, M. P. Interaction Between Teacher’s Questions and Student Discourse. 2011 Math and Science (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC). Washington, D (Jan 2011).
Carlson, M., Oehrtman, M., Sutor, J., Agoune, L., & Stroud, C. Meaningful collaboration in secondary mathematics and science teacher professional learning communities. Presented at the Twelfth Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Mar 2009).
Moore, K., Carlson, M., & Oehrtman, M. The role of quantitative reasoning in solving applied precalculus problems. Twelfth Annual Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Unde (Feb 2009).
Carlson, M., & Oehrtman, M. Developing secondary mathematics content knowledge for teaching in secondary mathematics and science teachers. Presentation at the Seventh Annual Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (L (Jan 2009).
Carlson, M., & Oehrtman, M. Supporting and evaluating professional collaboration among secondary mathematics and science teachers. Presentation at the Seventh Annual Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (L (Jan 2009).
Carlson, M., Moore, K., & Bowling, S. Meaningful mathematical discourse in mathematics learning communities. Presentation at the Research Presession of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 20 (Apr 2008).
Moore, K., Mullen, K., & Carlson, M. "Speaking with meaning" in professional learning community discourse. Presentation at the Presession of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2008 Annual (Apr 2008).
Carlson, Marilyn, McClain, Kay, Strom, April. Supporting Improvements in the Teaching of Precalculus Level Mathematics. 2008 MSP Learning Network Conference (Jan 2008).
Carlson, Marilyn, Ramirez, Nora, McClain, Kay. Attributes of Professional Learning Communities That Support Meaningful Discourse About Learning and Teaching. 2008 MSP Learning Network Conference (Jan 2008).
Carlson, Marilyn, Bowling, Stacey, Moore, Kevin, Ortiz, Angela. The Role of the Facilitator in Promoting Meaningful Discourse Among Professional Learning Communities of Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers. Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics (PME-NA) (Oct 2007).
Carlson, Marilyn, Clark, Phil, Moore, Kevin. Documenting the Emergence of "Speaking With Meaning" as a Sociomathematical Norm in Professional Learning Community Discourse. Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics (PME-NA) (Oct 2007).
Carlson, Marilyn. Essential reasoning abilities and conceptual foundations for beginning calculus. San Jose MathFest (Aug 2007).
Carlson, Marilyn. Functions: Mathematical Tools for Science. The Institute for Mathematics and Education's Conference on Teacher Preparation (Mar 2007).
Bowling, Stacey, Carlson, Marilyn, Kalachykhina, Larissa, Moore, Kevin, Ortiz, Angela, Wopperer, K. The Importance of Decentering in the Role of a Professional Learning Community Facilitator. Tenth Annual SIGMAA on RUME Conference (Feb 2007).
Carlson, Marilyn. Research Based Tools and Insights for Improving Mathematics Teacher's Classroom Practices. the Department of Education Regional Phoenix MSP Conference (Jan 2007).
Carlson, Marilyn. Using Professional Learning Community Research Videos to Promote Reflections Among Professional Learning Community Facilitators. Invited presentation at the Teacher for a New Era Learning Network Conference, Philadelphia, PA (Nov 2006).
Thompson, Patrick, Carlson, Marilyn. Affecting teachers' learning communities by affecting their mathematical knowledge. China-U.S. Educational Leadership Conference (Jun 2006).
Carlson, Marilyn. Covariational Reasoning: A Foundational Reasoning Ability for Calculus Learning. Invited Presentation National Institute of Education, Singapore (Jun 2006).
Thompson, P, Carlson, Marilyn. Mathematical thinking and intersubjective operations: A lens on the creation of mathematical learning communities. Research Presession to the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Apr 2006).
Carlson, Marilyn. A Cognitive Foundation for Affecting the Ways Professional Learning Communities Work. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Mar 2006).
Carlson, Marilyn. Methods for Conducting Educational Research: The Role of Theory. Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Mar 2006).
Carlson, Marilyn, Thompson, P. Assessing conceptual knowledge of function in secondary mathematics. Invited presentation at the U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation Joint Confe (Oct 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn, Thompson, P. The reflexive relationship between individual cognition and classroom practices: A covariation framework and problem solving research informs calculus instruction. The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Apr 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn, Thompson, P. The reflexive relationship between individual cognition and classroom practices: A covariation framework and problem solving research informs calculus instruction. The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto (Apr 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn. Developing research based models for improving science and mathematics instruction. Invited presentation to the China delegation for the International Science Fair (Apr 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn. Making the connection: Research and teaching in undergraduate mathematics. Invited panel discussant at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Apr 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn, Bloom, I. The development of a multi-dimensional problem solving framework. The research pre-session of the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Apr 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn, Hsu, Eric, King, Karen. CAREER Panel Discussion: Preparing a Successful CAREER proposal. The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (Feb 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn. Assessment of student achievement in undergraduate education. Meeting of the Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program, National Science Foundation (Feb 2005).
Carlson, Marilyn. Successful Grant Writing: The Teacher Professional Continuum Competition. American Association of State Colleges and Universities Annual Conference (Sep 2004).
Carlson, Marilyn. Integrating Research and Practice," NSF Quality Education for Minorities. NSF CAREER Workshop (Mar 2004).
Carlson, Marilyn. A calculus project: The role of theory in research and curriculum development. Mathfest summer meetings of the Mathematical Association of American (Jul 2002).
Carlson, Marilyn. Workshops for teaching and learning
Carlson, Marilyn. National Research Council Panel: The Disciplinary Content Panel on the Advanced Study of Mathematics and Science in U.S. High Schools
Carlson, Marilyn. Best practices: Research insights for curriculum and teaching. University of Kentucky Undergraduate Studies Committee
Carlson, Marilyn, Thompson, Patrick, Bloom, Irene, Bowling, Stacey, Castillo-Chavez, Carlos. Affecting Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Instructional Practices By Affecting Their Mathematical Knowledge. Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
Carlson, Marilyn. The Future of Advanced Manufacturing in AZ: The Role of Science and Mathematics Education in Keeping Our Economy Strong. Annual AeA - Advancing the Business of Technology Conference
Carlson, Marilyn, Lewis, Jim, Leitzel, Joan, McCallum, William, Stevenson, Fred. Mathematics Education in a Research Intensive Department: What Makes It Work?. Joint Mathematics Meetings
Carlson, Marilyn. The problem solving behaviors of mathematicians: The emergence of a multi-dimensional problem solving framework. Joint Meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and American Mathematical Society
MAA Instructional Practice Guide Writing Committee, Member (2015 - Present)
Computing Committee, Member (2012 - Present)
Undergraduate Committee, Member (2012 - Present)
National Science Foundation, Panel Member (2011 - Present)
National Science Foundation, Panel Member (2011 - Present)
College Mathematics Education Research Journal (CMERJ), Editorial Board (2011 - Present)
College Mathematics Education Research Journal (CMERJ), Editorial Board (2011 - Present)
College Mathematics Education Research Journal (CMERJ), Editorial Board (2010 - Present)
Educational Studies in Mathematics, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Reviewer (2010 - Present)
Educational Studies in Mathematics, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (RCME), reviewer (2009 - Present)
Direct RIMSE staff-a staff of 7 who provide administrative and technical assist for research grants), Make work assignments, oversee work, perform staff evaluations (2008 - Present)
Hiring Committee for the Director of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Member (2007 - Present)
Institute for Mathematics & Education Advisory Board,, Member (2007 - Present)
Institute for Mathematics & Education Advisory Board,, Member (2007 - Present)
Institute for Mathematics & Education Advisory Board,, Advisory Board (2007 - Present)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Placement Testing Committee, Member (2007 - Present)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Placement Testing Committee, Member (2007 - Present)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Placement Testing Committee, Member (2007 - Present)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Placement Testing Committee, Member (2007 - Present)
Mathematics Education Faculty Hiring Committee, Member (2007 - Present)
Planning Committee for the 2008 NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference, Member (2007 - Present)
Rodel Foundation Friends, Member (2007 - Present)
Rodel Foundation Friends, Member (2007 - Present)
Rodel Foundation Friends, Member (2007 - Present)
SIGMAA on RUME Publication Committee, Chair (2007 - Present)
Committee for National Science Board visit to ASU, Chaired (2006 - Present)
INQUERI STEM education project, Board Member (2006 - Present)
University of Kentucky, Advised on procedures for establishing a CRESMET like center (2006 - Present)
AZIMASE Enhancement of professional development for math and science teachers working group, Chair (2006 - Present)
Hiring Committee for Director of Mathematical Sciences, Member (2006 - Present)
Graduate Reorganization Committee, Member (2006 - Present)
Tempe School District, Liason: Met weekly with mathematics and science curriculum specialist in Tempe school district (2006 - Present)
AZIMASE (Arizona Initiative in Mathematics and Science Education), Participant (with Martin Shultz and VP Gene Garcia) in planning and launching AZIMASE (2006 - Present)
Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (CRESMET), Director (2006 - Present)
Committee for Assessment Instrument Evaluation and Dissemination, Exernal Reviewer (2006 - Present)
School Leadership Committee, Chair (2006 - Present)
Special Interest Group of the Mathematics Association of America on RUME: Publications Committee, Chair (2006 - Present)
Teacher for a New Era, Carnegie Foundation Initiative, Designated ASU represenative to national organization to collaborate in TNE activities and lead local efforts at ASU (2006 - Present)
Arizona Governor's Council on Innovation and Technology, Member (2005 - Present)
Director (2004 - Present)
Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (CRESMET), Director (2003 - Present)
Graduate Examination Committee, Member (2002 - Present)
Association for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (ARUME), Member, Executive Committee (1999 - Present)
SIG of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Chair (1998 - Present)
Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Senior Research Mentor (1997 - Present)
Planning Committee for MAA Conference on Precalculus to Calculus: Insights & Innovations, Co-leader with David Bressoud, Chris Rasmussen and Bernie Sanders (2015 - 2016)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics, Member (2009 - 2015)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Placement Testing Committee, Member (2007 - 2015)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics, Member (2009 - 2014)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Placement Testing Committee, Member (2007 - 2014)
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Reviewer (2013 - 2013)
National Science Foundation, Panel Member (2013 - 2013)
Scottsdale School District, Chandler School District and Red Mountain High School, Held open forms with parents and administrators (2013 - 2013)
Educational Studies in Mathematics, Reviewer (2012 - 2013)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics, Member (2009 - 2013)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Reviewer (2009 - 2013)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Placement Testing Committee, Member (2007 - 2013)
College Board: Pre-AP Mathematics Curriculum and Content Development Committee, Member (2012 - 2013)
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Reviewer (2011 - 2012)
Educational Studies in Mathematics, Reviewer (2010 - 2012)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics, Member (2009 - 2012)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Reviewer (2009 - 2012)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Award Committee, Member (2009 - 2011)
mathematical Association of America (MAA) Committee on the TEaching of Undergraduate Mathematics, Member (2009 - 2011)
Biodesign Roadmap Committee: Education Component, Member (2006 - 2009)
SIGMAA on Research in Mathematics Education Publication Committee, member (2007 - 2009)
Professional Learning Community (PLC) Research Group, Led (2006 - 2006)
University of Arizona faculty advising committee for the establishment of an Institute for Mathematics and Education, Participant (2006 - 2006)
Carnegie Corporation's Teachers for a New Era project, Faculty Representative (2005 - 2006)
SCISM Program (Summer Certification in Secondary Mathematics), Leader (2005 - 2006)
Special Interest Group of the MAA: Publications Committee, Chair (2004 - 2006)
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (RCME), Reviewed 2 articles during 2005 (2005 - 2005)
Ph.D. Committee, Committee Chair for Frank Cox (2004 - 2005)
Ph.D. Committees, Member of 3 Ph.D. committees--all three students finished in 2005 (2004 - 2005)
Chandler School District, Liaison: Gave presenation to Chandler School board regarding ASU/Chandler collab. on NSF Grant (2003 - 2005)
Development of a master's program for inservice secondary mathematics teachers, Leader (2003 - 2005)
Mesa School District, Liaison: Gave presenation to Mesa School board regarding ASU/Mesa Collaborations on NSF Funded Grant (2003 - 2005)
National Science Foundation, Served on three different review panels during the past year (2003 - 2005)
Scottsdale Community College, Liaison (2003 - 2005)
Tempe School District, Liaison: Gave presenation to Tempe School board regarding ASU/Tempe Collaborations on NSF Grant (2003 - 2005)
Tolleson School District, Liaison: Gave presenation to Tolleson school board regarding ASU/Tolleson collaborations on Grant (2003 - 2005)
Governor's Council on Information Technology-Education SubCommittee, Member (2005 - 2005)
Governor's Council on Information Technology-Education SubCommittee, member (2004 - 2005)
Hiring Committees (served on 6 hiring committees during the spring semester of 2005), Committee Member (2005 - 2005)
Mathematics Association of America: Special Interest Group Policy and Oversight Committee, member: participated in online discussions and attended 2 meetings per year (2004 - 2005)
Center for Educational Research on Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, Director (2003 - 2005)
American Association of Colleges and Universities: ASU Working Team, Member of the ASU team that participated in a five day conference in Newport, Rhode Island; met prior to and continue to meet with this group (2004 - 2004)
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (RCME) Volume Series, Reviewed 3 articles for volume publications during 2004 (2004 - 2004)
Illustrative Resources of the MAA (IRMAA), Participate in the preparation of the above on-line document (2003 - 2004)
Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America (SIGMAA on RUME) Executive Com, Participated in conference organizing and proposal reviews for conferences (2003 - 2004)
Summer workshops/graduate courses for secondary mathematics teachers, Developer and Organizer (1998 - 2004)
Evaluation of Teaching Working Group, Member; participated in the preparation of a document for evaluating teaching at ASU under the direction of Nancy Guiterrez (2004 - 2004)
Special Interest Group for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, President (2002 - 2003)
CLAS Learning Community Committee, Member (2003)
Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Education and Technology, Interim Director (2003)
Central Arizona Regional Science and Engineering Fair (CARSEF), Member (2003)
Community College Mathematics Chairs, Liaison (2003)
Development of a Master's Degree in Mathematics for Inservice Secondary Teachers, Lead (2003)
Educational Studies in Mathematics, Research Manuscript Referee (2003)
Evaluation of Teaching Working Group/Committee, Member (2003)
Gilbert School District, Liaison (2003)
Illustrative Resources of the MAA (IRMAA), Member (2003)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Research Manuscript Referee (2003)
Mathematical Association of America/Committee on Special Interest Groups (SIGMAA's), Member (2003)
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, Research Manuscript Referee (2003)
Research in Mathematics Education Guidelines Committee, Co-Chair (2003)
Research in Mathematics Education: Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America, Coordinator/President (2003)
SIGMAA on RUME (Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education) Publication Committee, Co-Chair (2003)
SIGMAA on RUME Governance Committee, Member (2003)
Secondary Teacher Education Committee, Member (2003)
Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics and Research: Making the Connection, Editor (2003)
Undergraduate Committee, Member (2003)
Vice-President's (Garcia's) Advisory Committee for University-School Partnership, Member (2003)
National Research Council Panel: Disciplinary Content Panels for the National Research Council Committee on Advanced Study in High School in Mathematics and Science, Member (2002 - 2002)
Planning Committee for the PME-NA Research Conference, Member (2002 - 2002)
Eisenhower Advisory Board for State of Arizona, Member (1999 - 2001)